Reiki Treatments

You are made of Reiki. I am made of Reiki. All living things are made of Reiki.

But life expends energy, and low energy can manifest uncomfortably - mentally, physically and emotionally. If you’d like or need support reinvigorating, I encourage you to try a Reiki session!

Everyone receives Reiki a little differently. But typically people feel immensely relaxed during treatment, have deep sleep in the nights following a Reiki session, and experience a distinct lightness of being in the days after.

After multiple treatments, clients often report profound shifts and transformation.



  • There is nothing in particular you have to do other than come with an open mind and wear loose, comfortable clothing. As you will be lying on a table for some time, eat light before your session, but no need to fast.

  • Everyone is different, and each person expends their life energy differently. Many of my clients use Reiki as part of their regular self-care routine. Otherwise, have an awareness of how being low on energy feels to you - do you become more irritable? physically fatigued? self-doubting? Then book a session!

    If you are looking to make a deep transformation, I’d encourage you to book four (4) treatments with no more than two (2) weeks between.

  • I am fully vaccinated and boosted. Also, my office has a new HVAC system running 24/7 which creates a powerful flow of ventilation through hospital-grade HEPA Filters & Disinfecting UV Lights.

    Masks are optional.